Latest News

  1. I encourage all interested to join the Blog, and to leave feedback.  It is important for everyone; the feedback will allow me to measure the impact of the different articles, and also to determine if there is anything that needs further clarification.
  2. If there are topics that you feel you would like to read about, please don't hesitate to leave your suggestions.
I have been getting quite a few emails from people that are benefiting from the articles in this blog, I am glad that the thoughts and feelings expressed in this blog are useful to others.  Thanks to all for you kind words.

I have to thank God for providing me the inside that I am able to express in words for the good of others.  Unfortunately, I don't make a living writing articles and lately I have not been able to sit down a write more.  I feel the urge to do it and I can see the need, but I don't have the time.  Hopefully, I will be able to complete another article this month.

I have been thinking of giving a conference about relationships.  Let me know if some of you will be interested; depending on the number of people I will look for a place and determine all the costs involved.  Once the cost is clear, I will be able to tell the interested parties the cost of the conference.